Friday, July 17, 2015


               Since this is my first blog post I thought I would start by introducing myself. My name is Simon (not really, but I don't feel comfortable giving my real name). I live in a small appartment for now with my girlfriend and son, with a child on the way. My girlfriend and I only recently found out about the new bundle of happiness, but we're both excited. I currently have no job, so I spend most of my days just sitting around the house with my son, who is 19 months old. He's an amazing little guy, and super smart. We had problems with his ears getting infected all the time so he had surgery the other day and he's been very talkative since then. 

         As for my Girlfriend, shes amazing. We have our ups and downs but I love her with all my heart. Not many women would put up with me the way she does. I couldn't imagine what I would do if we seperated, considering I have no where to go and she provides all the financial support. She works mostly morning shifts at a grocery store, and when she comes home we usually watch whatever crime show we can find on netflix or play a game together, unless she wants to play a single player game, in which case I am usually cooking or laying the little one down for bed.

         Like I said, I don't have a job so my day is filled with keeping up with the little one while trying to get in some game time. I enjoy a wide variety of games, ranging from the Elder Scrolls series (including ESO) to the space MMO Eve Online. I like MMO games but I don't usually get into conversations with anyone. I play Call Of Duty every once in a while, mostly for the Zombies mode. We own an Xbox One, Xbox 360 and a PC. My computer isn't the best but it gets the job done.

          I don't really live close to any of my other relatives. My closest family member is about 2-4 hours drive away, which is my mom, grandma, and my moms two sisters and their husbands. I'm very happy to have my mom, considering after everything I did most parents would have probably never spoken to their child again. But after about three years everything was forgiven. But that's a story for another time. Needless to say, even with all my flaws I am a very, very lucky guy.

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